
VPAT代表自愿产品可访问性模板. It's a document that outlines how information and communication technology (ICT) products conform to accessibility standards, 以及支持可访问性的资产特性和功能.

Additionally, Organizations can use VPATs to demonstrate the accessibility of their products to potential customers, 促进市场的透明度和问责制.

VPAT version 2.5为最新版本,与原VPAT保持一致, contains a column for recording conformance to each allocation of standard or guideline relevant to a product or service and includes more detailed explanation for each reported conformance level.


An 无障碍及符合报告(ACR) is a document that provides a summary of the level of accessibility compliance achieved by a digital asset, such as a website, application, or document. ACR通常包括关于已实现的可访问性特性的信息, 确定的任何障碍或问题, 以及为解决这些问题所采取的措施.

The ACR provides a detailed assessment of an asset’s compliance with various accessibility criteria. 它与自愿产品无障碍模板(VPAT)密切相关。. 当VPAT完成后,它将被视为可访问性一致性报告. 用于公共或商业组织, an ACR serves as a common format for documenting the accessibility of digital assets.

VPAT 2.5 508

专门为满足美国的标准而量身定制.S. 联邦508康复法案.

Download VPAT 2.5 508 Sample Report


符合欧洲en301 549无障碍要求.

Download VPAT 2.5 EU Sample Report



Download VPAT 2.5 WCAG Sample Report


包含上述所有三个vpat的综合模板, 提供可访问性状态的全局视图.

Download VPAT 2.5 INT Sample Report

Accessibility Statement

An accessibility statement shows your commitment to accessibility and continual enhancements. 我们提供了一个包含可访问性目标的可访问性声明, conformation standards; and contact information; so that if any user experiences any barrier, 他们可以报告问题.


Increase User Experience

VPAT/ACR Report Pricing

10 Pages
  • Key templates
  • Forms
  • Videos, Audio & Documents
  • Dynamic elements
30 Pages
  • Complete review
  • Forms
  • Videos, Audio & Documents
  • Dynamic elements
50 Pages
  • Complete review
  • Forms
  • Videos, Audio & Documents
  • Dynamic elements
100 Pages
  • Complete review
  • Forms
  • Videos, Audio & Documents
  • Dynamic elements
All Pages
  • Complete review
  • Forms
  • Videos, Audio & Documents
  • Dynamic elements
  • 审查开发实践和公司政策

Note: Once a purchase is done, to kickstart the audit you need to email us website access credentials at [email protected] 

Security and Privacy

As a member of W3C and International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), we are applying the best industry practices and rigorous standards for both the confidentiality of your digital assets and the privacy of users. Additionally, the report is confidential and completely yours to use for any purpose like internal analysis, clients' benefits, 或者政府需要定期的网页可访问性报告.

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A VPAT is a document that outlines the level of accessibility of a product or service according to the Section 508 standards or other accessibility guidelines. It helps purchasers and users understand how well a product or service supports accessibility.

VPAT通常包括涵盖可访问性不同方面的部分, 比如遵守特定的标准, 对辅助技术的支持, and details about how different features and functionalities address accessibility requirements. Here’s a VPAT report sample.

It is recommended that VPATs be updated whenever there are changes to the product or service that may impact its accessibility features. This could include updates, new releases, or changes to the product or digital assets' features.

A VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) report is typically needed by government agencies, 教育机构, and other organizations that require information about the accessibility compliance of a product or digital asset.

The version of the 自愿产品易读性模板(VPAT) one should use depends on the applicable accessibility standards and regulations. 以下是一些一般准则:

  1. 查阅相关标准
  2. 检讨采购规定
  3. 考虑行业最佳实践
  4. 参考供应商文档
  5. 国际方面的考虑
  6. Check for Updates
  7. 咨询无障碍专家

Remember that VPAT is a tool to communicate the accessibility features of a product or service. Using the most up-to-date version and aligning with relevant standards ensures that your documentation accurately reflects the accessibility status of your offering.

There is no specific duration for the validity of a 自愿产品易读性模板(VPAT). It is advisable to update the VPAT whenever there are changes to the product or service that may impact its accessibility features, such as updates, new releases, 或者对功能的修改.

网站修复后, 您应该要求网站可访问性补救机构提供它. Alternatively one would get the VPAT report done along with the website ADA audit report to ensure the compliance status.

Yes. Please reach out at [email protected].

VPAT is important because it provides transparency about the accessibility features of a product or service. It allows buyers to make informed decisions and helps organizations meet legal and regulatory requirements related to accessibility.

Yes, a product or a digital asset can have a VPAT even if it is not fully accessible. VPAT是产品可访问性特性的公开, 它还能指出需要改进的地方.

Organizations can use VPATs to evaluate the accessibility of products or services during the procurement process. By reviewing VPATs, they can make more informed decisions and ensure that the products or services they choose meet their accessibility requirements.

VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) compliance is often unavoidable for companies that provide products or services to government agencies or institutions that receive federal funding. Government contracts and procurement processes frequently require VPATs to ensure that the purchased products or services adhere to accessibility standards, 促进对残疾用户的包容. Therefore, companies aiming to engage with government clients or entities subject to accessibility regulations should prioritize VPAT compliance.

No, a 自愿产品易读性模板(VPAT) is not mandatory in an absolute sense. VPAT中的“自愿”一词表明它不是法律规定的要求, 但它通常是公司自愿使用的, especially when dealing with government contracts or demonstrating a commitment to accessibility standards.

In certain cases, government agencies may require vendors to provide VPATs as part of the procurement process to assess the accessibility of information and communication technology (ICT) products or services. 但并不是所有企业都必须这样做, creating and providing VPATs can be beneficial for demonstrating accessibility compliance and inclusivity.

VPAT报告的周转时间取决于页面的数量. VPAT的起价为2,500美元,最高可超过25,000美元.