什么是ADA标题III网站可访问性要求? - A Complete Guide!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a landmark legislation that aims to ensure equal opportunities and protections for individuals with disabilities in various aspects of life. 根据《pg电子官网》第三章, businesses, and organizations that are deemed as public accommodations are required to provide equal access to products, 以及为残疾人提供的服务. 科技在我们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色, 网站的可访问性已经成为一个关键问题.

Lately, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has recognized that websites are also considered places of public accommodation and thus subject to ADA Title III requirements. 这意味着每个网站都应该对残障人士开放, 包括有视觉障碍的人, auditory, cognitive, or motor impairments.

Majorly, ADA专注于网站设计, ADA Title II and Title III are meant to prohibit discrimination against disabled individuals so that they can interact with web content. Title III guidelines ought to be applied during the designing and/or alteration process.



《pg电子官网》准则第三章确保公共场所和商业场所的无障碍. It has requirements that outline certain guidelines for organizations to adhere to and accommodate individuals duly.

根据美国残疾人法第三章, places of public accommodations including websites should be designed and maintained as per ADA accessibility standards. However, even after making it essential for every business to adhere to Title III and other guidelines of accessibility, 法律仍在努力跟上所需的数字环境.

Title III says that businesses are not only expected to provide accessible solutions to every visitor, 但他们也必须提供辅助帮助,以确保有效的沟通. Moreover, accessibility barriers should be removed from the services if they can be easily achievable. However, organizations are exempted from an ‘undue burden’ where they don’t need to comply with the ADA guidelines completely.

虽然ADA的实施并不容易, 但司法部让你别无选择, your websites must comply with the laws and adhere to the best practices for web accessibility.

  • 每个在线业务都需要关注几个关键方面,如, 产品视频应该有说明文字, 网站上的每个元素都必须通过辅助技术进行访问, 内容应该易于每个人消费.
  • 在创建数字表单时,应牢记可访问性标准.
  • 附件的pdf和其他文件必须是可访问的.
  • 如果需要,对网页设计实践和程序进行合理的修改.
  • The content must communicate to those with disabilities as effectively as it communicates with others.



First Circuit courts have found that every stand-alone website and application are a place of public accommodation regardless of any connection to a public-facing, and physical operation. 因此,他们必须遵守ADA第三章,例如,Netflix流媒体.

The Eastern District of New York has concluded that web-only businesses are not covered by Title III unless they have some links with a public-facing, 销售其产品或服务的实体营业场所. Hence, the Second Circuit courts didn’t find any concrete issue to make Title III essential for web-only businesses.

The Third Circuit has also concluded with the similar decision as the Second Circuit courts.

Moreover, the Ninth Circuit has wrapped up its decision on the note that businesses with physical stores must have accessible websites such as Dominos. However, you should note here that the Unruh Civil Rights Act under California State law differs from this decision. 这对原告有利, wherein they are allowed to file a case against completely online operating businesses. 例如,Square Inc .. is an exclusively internet-based electronic payment service company without any physical store and has faced a lawsuit under the Unruh Act.

Whereas, the Eleventh Circuit has not found websites as places of public accommodations in the Gil vs. Winn Dixie case and signalled a much higher standard of actual exclusion or denial of services would be required.

因此,法律存在不确定性,巡回法院的分歧令人不安. However, one thing is certain, mitigating lawsuits risks by applying ADA standards and making websites and applications accessible is a wise choice. 因为网站和应用程序可以在任何地方访问, 他们的不可访问性将成为诉讼和法律行动的对象. Also, 网页可访问性导致对多样性的关注, equity, 通过提供平等的机会实现包容.



Every business (including non-profits) that directly offers their products or services to the public, 必须具有可访问的数字属性.

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Shops
  • Movie theatres
  • Private school
  • Hospitals
  • Gyms
  • Daycare centers
  • 提供课程或考试的组织
  • Travel and many more.


  • 宗教组织 &
  • Private clubs

Wrapping up

可访问的数字属性可以增强客户体验, and market reach, 并通过限制改造或返工来提高业务生产率.

Compliance with ADA Title III requirements not only mitigates legal risks but also demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and social responsibility. Embracing web accessibility is a step towards breaking down barriers and providing equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities, 最终建立一个更加便利和包容的社会.

Skynet Technologies, an esteemed member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and an active participant in W3C, takes immense pride in its significant contributions to the global accessibility community.

我们的专长在于提供 ADA网站可访问性修复服务 它们能满足各种各样的需求. Whether you're seeking prompt enhancements in accessibility or a comprehensive revamp of your website's accessibility, rest assured, 我们完全有能力满足你方的要求. 我们全面的服务范围涵盖了网站可访问性的各个方面, including design, audits, consultation, remediation, support, 以及持续的维护.

欢迎您通过电子邮件与我们联系 [email protected] 或使用提供的表单. Our mission revolves around assisting you in elevating the accessibility of your digital presence and fostering greater inclusivity for all.