瑞士银两 Act - What are the Digital Accessibility Requirements?

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

Switzerland has its own accessibility law, known as Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). The act is made for all federal and public sector organizations to ensure their digital content’s availability for all.

尽管欧洲有无障碍法案, 因为瑞士不是欧盟成员国, 该法案不适用于瑞士. Thus, the Swiss government felt the need for some streamlined guidelines for websites and applications to include accessibility in their core. Hence DDA came into existence in 2004 and has been amended several times as per the needs of federal and public websites.

DDA is also known as the Federal Law on the Elimination of Inequalities for Persons with Disabilities (PDF).

Just like other countries, Switzerland is also aspiring to achieve maximum digital accessibility. So, 如果你的组织在瑞士境内或附近运作, learn what DDA is and how you can implement it into your digital assets.


The Swiss accessibility act is concretized by three ordinances that are: the disability equality ordinance, the ordinance on the technical requirements for the disabled-friendly design of public transport, 以及残疾人公共交通的设计. The act was first enacted on December 13, 2002, and commenced on January 1, 2004.

Likewise, 美国残疾人法案(ADA), DDA还将重点放在公共场所. Please note, 遵守DDA, your website or application must conform with ADA or WCAG level AA standards.

The Swiss government keeps monitoring the implementation of DDA in every industry and all the efforts are showing positive outcomes. Many industries have incorporated all the recommended guidelines rightly and not only made their users' lives easier but increased their overall business revenue as well.

实施不仅仅是组织的责任, but the government also keeps on providing financial resources along with proper guidance to streamline the implementation process.

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The government has strictly asked all its public and private authorities to adhere to suggested accessibility laws. 瑞士有严格的合规评估协议, 他们正确地敦促组织包括可访问性.

不遵守将导致高达5美元的赔偿,000 Swiss Francs that an organization ought to pay to the individual who encountered discrimination while accessing the digital content. Moreover, the organization must take relevant steps to mitigate that accessibility issue.


  • 该法案是关于预防的, eliminating, or reducing discrimination against people with disabilities in terms of digital content access.
  • It is the Confederation's responsibility to make organizations take suitable actions and implement accessibility measures.
  • A person suffering from disabilities has the right to claim for compensation if they find accessibility issues while exploring the website/application.
  • The courts will not order the elimination of discriminating elements from the websites/applications if it will be a financial burden on the organization or if the remediation will impact the ESG of the organization.
  • Speech, hearing, and visual disabilities must consider if organizations are offering online services.
  • The Confederation may conduct different campaigns to increase public awareness about accessibility including recommendations on quick fixes.
  • Educational institutes shall provide accessible resources of learning to all students.
  • Also, whatever expenditure has been allocated from the federal government to support new accessibility projects, 必须用于指定的任务.



If you are willing to build new projects considering accessibility or remediate your existing designs, WCAG conformance level AA is something that you should understand. WCAG says, your website must be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for everyone. So, you must include elements keeping these four principles in mind.

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Also, read 欧洲无障碍指令 了解其与瑞士DDA指南的相关性.

Including accessibility to your digital content and maintaining it is mandatory for every organization. 永远记住, 更多的残障用户将能够访问数字内容, 更有意义的变化将发生在社会上!

您的商业网站和其他数字资产是否符合WCAG标准? Or are you looking for guidance on DDA web accessibility standards? 拥有专家团队,我们提供 全面的ADA网站无障碍服务 其中包括审计, strategy, design, development, remediation, and support services which compliance with accessibility regulations such as WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2,瑞士DDA第508节在您的预算范围内. Contact us at (电子邮件保护) or 请求免费报价.