奥地利网页无障碍法案(WZG) – Essentials to remediate website accessibility!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

The Web Accessibility Act (WZG) for Austria was enacted in July 2019 to set a legal obligation for all public entities to make their digital products and services accessible. This act is an extended implementation of the EU’s Web Accessibility Directive (WAD) 2016/2102, 适用于所有欧盟成员国.

The accessibility act WZG stipulates that each website in Austria must comply with WCAG 2.1 .符合AA级标准. The idea behind this implementation is clear that nobody gets excluded from the necessary usage of required digital products and services.

Most importantly, EU Directive 2019/882 (European Accessibility Act) will come into force in 2025 across Europe. Then the act will impact all organizations that offer digital services or products. 因此,奥地利的组织必须开始应用WCAG 2.1 . AA标准随附 EN 301 549要求 确保其数字产品的可访问性.

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The act applies to the websites and mobile applications of the Confederation and all other establishments including the federal government and other institutions. 它并不适用于,sites and mobile applications of the Confederation and all other establishments including the federal government and other institutions.


  • Office application format files that were published before September 23, 2018, and if their content is not crucial for any ongoing administrative proceedings.
  • Time-based pre-recorded media (video and audio) published before September 23, 2020.
  • 实时媒体.
  • Online map services/maps (if they provide other accessible means to provide essential information).
  • Third-party content that is not developed, controlled, or funded by government entities.
  • Content that is only available to a closed group of people and not important to the public; also, 如果在9月23日之前出版, 2019发布这个日期, every website including these closed groups are encouraged to incorporate the accessibility act.
  • Educational institutions' websites and mobile applications including schools, kindergartens, and crèches (if they are not useful for any administrative or legal purpose).
  • Archive content, 哪些不是任何行政目的所需要的, 9月23日之后也没有更新或修改, 2019.


  • All websites and mobile applications must be perceptible, operable, comprehensible, and robust.
  • Legal entities must publish and maintain a detailed and clear accessibility statement of their websites and mobile applications in an accessible format. Optional content should also be mentioned in the statement that goes beyond the mandatory accessibility requirements set by the European Commission.
  • Legal entities must examine all complaints about accessibility issues and if they are justified, on-time actions must be taken as per proposed recommendations to eliminate the deficiencies.
  • Organizations should coordinate regular training programs for stakeholders and staff members who continuously work on websites/applications to add, delete, or edit content.
  • Deadlines to meet accessibility requirements - Websites and applications assigned to the Confederation must be accessible if they have not been published before September 23, 2018, 以及6月23日以后发布的所有移动应用程序, 2021.

Read the entire legal provision 《无障碍网页法.


Websites and mobile applications of all member states’ public sector bodies ought to comply with accessibility 监测方法和报告方式. 欧盟委员会10月11日实施决定(EU) 2018/1524, 2018, lays down this methodology for website and mobile application compliance, 指令(EU) 2016/2102第4条规定的. Also, 向委员会报告监测结果的方式, 包括测量数据, in a uniform way.

您可能还会喜欢: 对你的网站进行可访问性审计.


如果组织有资格获得web可访问性证书, 它已经满足了WZG或WAD的主要可达性要求, which are:

  • Conformance with the latest WCAG standards; WACA focuses on the website’s adherence to WCAG 2.1 . AA级标准.
  • Easy access for users to submit feedback if they find non-compliance; WACA has this function. Users can report inaccessibility via a contact form attached to the WACA label on the certified websites.
  • 易访问性声明,在网站上很容易看到. More on 可访问性声明.

Wrapping up

In Austria, all websites and mobile applications must comply with WCAG 2.1 AA standards. 虽然没有提到固定罚款, 不遵守工作组的建议将导致法律行动, penalties, 以及其他后果.

Thus, understand the key requirements 《无障碍网页法 of Austria (WZG) and incorporate them as soon as possible to safeguard business reputation and enhance conversions.

您的商业网站和其他数字资产是否符合WCAG标准? 或者您正在寻找WZG网站可访问性标准的指导? 拥有专家团队,我们提供 网站无障碍修复服务 包括无障碍网站的设计和开发, audit, strategy, 网站修复, consulting, VPAT可访问性一致性报告, PDF /文档修复, and support services that comply with accessibility regulations such as WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, Section 508,奥地利WZG在你的预算之内. Reach out [email protected] or 请求免费报价.