
Our Accessibility Assist PRO – managed website accessibility remediation solution partnership can be customized to fit your business model and client needs. Whether you have an in-house team of developers and only need audit/testing assistance, 或者您需要定制编码来解决更具挑战性的问题, we’ll help ensure the websites you launch meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 怎样才能帮助你的客户满足ADA的要求, Section 508, AODA, and other laws.


我们对网站进行彻底的人工可访问性审核, applications, and digital content to identify accessibility barriers and compliance issues. Our audit includes detailed reports with actionable recommendations for remediation.


We offer expert consultation services to help agencies understand accessibility guidelines and best practices. Our team of accessibility specialists will assess your digital assets and provide tailored recommendations, strategies, and roadmaps to improve accessibility compliance for a long-term success.


We provide website accessibility compliance and remediation plan / roadmap which includes key findings, WCAG 2的每个成功标准的通过/失败状态.0, 2.1, and 2.2 AA guidelines.


We ensure accessibility for various document types including word documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, infographics, diagrams, data dashboards, maps & 图表,图形和OCR文件.


我们提供VPAT报告, 可访问性声明, 无障碍承诺书(ACL), 以及其他基于个人计划的报告.


我们为您的内部团队(内容管理人员)提供培训, editors, admins, website management team) on website content accessibility best practices to ensure they are self-sufficient.

Ongoing Monitoring

维护可访问性是一个持续的过程. We work with you through periodic assessments and support to identify any accessibility barriers and fix them. 我们也确保不会出现新的问题.

Integrated Support

可访问性是一个持续的过程. Our team provides continuous support to help you navigate evolving standards and ensure ongoing compliance.


  • W3C和IAAP成员: We are an organizational member of W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) who are actively involved in defining the compliance standards.
  • Expertise: Our team consists of seasoned accessibility professionals with a deep understanding of government regulations and best practices.
  • 量身定制的解决方案: We understand that every agency is unique, so we tailor our services to meet your specific needs.
  • 侧重于以客户为中心的方法: We prioritize collaboration and communication to deliver solutions that meet your agency's unique needs and goals.
  • 追求卓越: We are committed to delivering the highest quality of service and ensuring that your digital properties are accessible to all.
  • 长期的伙伴关系: 我们相信与客户建立长期合作伙伴关系, providing ongoing support and guidance on their accessibility journey.


  • Expanded accessibility services include manual accessibility audit services, remediation, 文档可访问性, consulting, monitoring, 以及自助培训.
  • Streamlined integration of our testing and auditing services into your business framework, fostering increased possibilities for agencies and platform providers to extend remediation services as an additional client offering.
  • Dedicated sales support, and customer relationship manager support is available.
  • 透明和公开的沟通是我们的基本方针. 我们优先考虑让您了解并参与每一步, guaranteeing that the outcome perfectly matches your vision and needs.

Interested? 了解更多pg电子官网的代理伙伴计划




修复的时间表因每个客户而异, influenced by factors such as the extent of issues on the site and the available budget for fixes. Our objective is to assist in directing the remediation process to ensure it is completed swiftly and efficiently.

我们的项目为各机构提供了这些工具, knowledge, and resources necessary to create accessible digital experiences for their clients. 这可以提高他们的声誉, 扩大客户基础, and mitigate legal risks associated with accessibility non-compliance.

Absolutely. Our team stays up to date with accessibility standards and regulations, ensuring that agencies can confidently meet compliance requirements such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and relevant legal frameworks.

We provide ongoing support and resources to help agencies continually improve their accessibility practices. 这包括访问有关最佳实践的最新信息, 新兴技术, and ongoing consultation to address any accessibility challenges that arise.

Costs can vary based on the services and level of engagement desired by the agency. We offer flexible pricing options and can provide a customized quote based on your specific requirements.


The "机构无障碍伙伴关系" program is a service provided by Skynet Technologies aimed at supporting agencies in ensuring the accessibility of their digital assets and services.

Agencies can partner with us to access our expertise and resources on accessibility. 我们与代理团队密切合作, providing 定制解决方案 to meet their specific needs and ensuring that accessibility is integrated into every stage of their projects.

Our program is designed to cater to a wide range of agencies including web development firms, design agencies, marketing agencies, content and PR, 以及任何其他参与创造数字体验的组织.

Agencies interested in joining the "机构无障碍伙伴关系" program can reach out to us through our website or contact our team directly. We'll be happy to discuss your specific needs and tailor a partnership plan that works for you.

Skynet Technologies has a proven track record of expertise in accessibility, with a dedicated team of professionals committed to helping agencies create inclusive digital experiences. 我们的综合方法, 定制解决方案, and ongoing support set us apart as a trusted partner in accessibility.