Digital Accessibility Standards (BITV 2.0 and BGG) and Requirements in Germany!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
German Web Accessibility



可访问性可以通过应用正确的方法和最佳的网络实践来实现,并考虑到这一点, 4月27日,德国颁布了第一部《pg电子竞技》(BGG), 2002. 另一个关键的法案是2002年7月17日发布的BITV,第一版BITV 1.0. The standard was inspired by WCAG's initial version. The latest updated version is BITV 2.0 with refreshed guidelines released on September 12, 2011.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: International Web Accessibility Standards


Disability Equality Act – BGG

This act mandates that every citizen with or without any physical, 和/或任何其他类型的残疾必须能够访问在线产品和服务. BGG直接影响由联邦政府管理或拥有的组织和企业, subordinate to the federal government, controlled by the Confederation, etc. 这些机构和企业应提供替代手段,如手语或其他适当的交流辅助工具,以提供无障碍的信息技术网站和移动应用程序.

该法案涵盖了网站/应用程序的各个方面,以满足残疾用户的需求. If an organization fails to adhere to Disability Equality Act, its consequences might land the organization in trouble.

Federal Ordinance on Barrier-Free Information Technology – BITV

《pg电子官网》(BITV)以残疾人歧视法为基础,由联邦劳动和社会事务部和联邦内政部于2002年颁布. 它的目的是让残疾人能够轻松地访问在线信息和技术.

BITV is applied to all websites, mobile applications, intranets, and extranets, electronically supported administrative processes, and graphical program interfaces.

此外,欧洲网页无障碍标准(EN 301549)也被纳入BITV 2.0. It follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 of W3C with some minor additions. BITV 2.0, like Section 508 in the U.S.A., affects all German public bodies and federal agencies and vendors, contractors, 以及这些机构的合作伙伴,要求他们确保以电子方式提供的信息和服务可供残疾人访问和使用. BITV 2.0 like Section 508 in USA; affects all German public bodies and federal agencies, contractors, vendors, partners by mandating them.

Requirements of BGG and BITV

BGG and BITV were initially focused on German Federal government websites. However, with time, other state and local agencies, vendors, contractors, partners, and private sectors all started building their websites, mobile applications, and all digital services as per BITV recommendations.

组织必须为残疾人士提供合理的便利,使他们能够访问他们想要的在线内容. Responsive design must include,

  • Alt text for images
  • Subtitles/transcripts for audio and video content
  • Proper color contrast
  • Keyboard navigation
  • Screen readers compatibility
  • Accessible PDFs and other documents
  • Readable text, etc.

There was a deadline for all organizations to apply the standards; they were expected to implement the standards by December 31, 2005.

As written above, the latest version of BITV 2.0包括不属于BGG一部分的欧盟指令的规定. Therefore, all websites were asked to publish the same by September 23, 2020, and mobile applications by June 23, 2021.

如果网站有可访问性例外,应该在声明中清楚地提到. Also, 如果残疾用户遇到异常中未列出的任何可访问性问题, 应该有一个详细的pg电子官网,他们可以谈论或提交他们的问题.

The statement must get updated every three years. 为了保持网站的可访问性,需要对网站的可访问性进行持续评估.

Read more about BITV and BGG.

Legal consequences of websites’ non-compliance


If such users wish to take legal action, 他们的原告通过仲裁服务网站提交投诉. 预计双方将共同努力解决无障碍问题,以解决问题,而不诉诸法院.

However, 如果原告发现采取的措施不能解决问题, then they can go to the courts for better solutions. 它会给这些组织带来沉重的惩罚和品牌声誉损害.

Wrapping up

What will be more expensive, brand image or accessibility implementation? 如果品牌形象对你很重要,那就针对BITV 2修复你的数字资产.0 should be your immediate step. 通过实施网站可访问性合规功能,提供可访问的信息技术并遵守联邦残疾人平等法(BGG), Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung (BITV) 2.0, and WCAG 2.1 AA laws and guidelines.

With a team of experts, we provide full managed ADA website accessibility remediation services including audit, strategy, design, development, remediation, 以及VPAT服务,这些服务符合您预算范围内的可访问性规定. Contact us at [email protected] or request a quote.