
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

AODA (《pg电子官网》) is crucial to create an inclusive and accessible digital environment for individuals with disabilities in Ontario, Canada. Website compliance with AODA guidelines ensures that users with any sort of disability can navigate, understand, 并有效地与在线内容互动. This includes making websites compatible with assistive technologies such as screen readers, 为图像提供Alt文本, 确保颜色对比的可读性, etc.

Failing to comply with AODA regulations can result in legal consequences and reputational damage. In this article, 我们将了解什么是AODA网站合规, and the requirements businesses need to adhere to offer accessible websites to all Ontarians.


什么是AODA -它的历史简要!

Back then in 2001, Ontario had its accessibility act named the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA). In 1994, the act was introduced as the ODA (Ontarians with Disabilities Act) to remove accessibility barriers from different business sectors and eventually, 官方发展援助于2001年成为一项官方法律.

在2003年政府选举之后, 成立无障碍标准谘询委员会, 并于2005年通过了AODA法案. AODA was an improved version of ODA which was made with the help of various disabled users’ feedback.

And in 2011, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (IASR) unified the five standards of the AODA that are information & communication, customer service, transportation, employment, and design of public spaces.

如果组织未能遵守ada, 他们可能会被起诉或支付高达100美元的巨额罚款,000 per day.


Every public and private sector business and non-profit organization operating in Ontario having more than 50 employees must have AODA-based websites.

2012年或之后创建的公共网站和网页内容应遵循WCAG 2.0 standards.

AODA基于Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 standards since they are internationally accepted guidelines for making digital assets accessible to everyone. 因此,安大略省的网站预计将遵循WCAG 2.0 standards.

AODA requirements:

To create AODA-compliant websites, businesses should follow four basic principles of WCAG. They are referred to as POUR; Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust.

虽然组织可以应用WCAG 2.1 standards as well to focus on mobile accessibility, it is not essential for AODA compliance.

Moreover, WCAG is providing a key considerations list for the websites to be compliant with AODA. The organizations may use the list as a handy guide to follow accessibility requirements.

One crucial thing to note here is that the Ontarian government outlined a timeline for all organizations to comply with AODA guidelines by 2025. They are required to file an accessibility compliance report every two years to the Ontario Government, 不管他们的业务规模大小.

Staff member training on AODA is required because they keep posting or updating the content on web pages.




  1. Live captions
  2. 预先录制的音频描述

Also, AODA says that organizations do not need to remediate those parts of websites for accessibility, 如果补救措施是“不可行的”. For instance, 如果一个组织可以使用可用的工具或软件使网络元素可访问, 那么,最好还是在这方面下功夫. However, 如果很难找到工具或者工具/软件不可用, 然后这部分就可以保持原样了.

Section 14 of O.Reg.191/11 under the AODA outlines some conditions where organizations might get exempted from accessibility requirements provided, 他们尽了一切可能的努力使网页在WCAG 2下可访问.0 level A or AA.

Nevertheless, it is every organization’s responsibility to work on accessibility implementation and ensure maximum accessibility for everyone!


同时将所有必要的WCAG元素应用到网站上, 确保获得辅助技术也至关重要. All major assistive technologies must be compatible with the website and application including screen readers and navigation tools.

这项辅助技术使身体有缺陷的用户阅读成为可能, hear, 或者理解网页上的内容. They help in navigating through the pages easily and exploring even complex structures provided the pages are made keeping WCAG standards in their core.



Every educational or training institute must follow some practices to remain compliant in Ontario.

  • 他们必须提供无障碍格式的学习材料.
  • 获取设计为可访问的电子内容.
  • 如果没有无障碍格式的教育或培训材料, 安排替代条款来访问这些内容.
  • Provide proper training to their educators along with accessibility awareness related programs or courses.
  • Keep a record of training given to all educators to understand how many trained professionals there are to provide proper education to each student.

Wrapping up

一旦你开始了你的网页可访问性探险, begin with website review to know the accessibility issues and then apply AODA standards accordingly.

《pg电子官网》 (AODA) gives you an opportunity to become a torchbearer in digital accessibility and lead with examples. 加强并确保每个安大略人的无障碍!

Skynet Technologies is an associate member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and a recognized member of W3C takes immense pride in its contributions to the global accessibility community.

Whether you require fundamental enhancements or a comprehensive overhaul of your website accessibility, 请放心,我们能满足您的需求. We offer 提供全方位服务的网站无障碍修复解决方案,包括设计、审核、咨询、补救、支持和持续监控.

Contact us by email at [email protected] 或填写所提供的表格. 我们的目标是让所有人更容易获得您的数字存在,确保包容性.