
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
4 mins
w3c membership

Skynet Technologies is delighted to announce that we have become an organization member of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in November 2022. W3C的主要任务是教育人们数字可访问性,并为尽可能多的人创建一个可访问的网络世界. 我们现在将与W3C一起迎合更广泛的受众,帮助他们访问有用的数字信息.

W3C的成员资格将提升pg电子官网的资源,为我们的客户提供更易于访问和可用的解决方案. 他们将用最新的技术带来最新的变化,使每个人都能接触到数字.

About World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (

万维网联盟是一个由成员组织组成的国际社区, their in-house team, and people around the world who work together to develop web standards. 它由蒂姆·伯纳斯-李于1994年创立,其使命是引领网络发挥其全部潜力.

The World Wide Web Consortium plays a key role in creating accessible and usable digital experiences for organizations by providing a set of defined standards; called Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) designed to offer digital content accessibility to each user on the web regardless of their physical abilities.

他们定期从依赖辅助技术(AT)来运营互联网的残疾人社区获取反馈, 并相应地不断更新WCAG和其他遵守标准,以帮助数十亿人的生命.


To be a member of W3C receives plenty of benefits and rewards. Such as, 成员有机会直接与w3c的主要组织和个人进行互动和工作. 所有成员都有机会通过审查活动建议和运营政策来给出战略方向. 我们也将开始接受这些以及其他无数的好处,这些好处将帮助我们塑造客户的未来.

Additionally, pg电子官网公司将被允许参加万维网联盟的工作组, 商业集团和利益集团共同开发直接或间接影响企业及其客户的不同现代技术.

W3C works rigorously to improve web and assistive technologies experiences. 万维网联盟已经定义了一些Web开发的标准最佳实践, which incorporate general principles of web architecture and services, recommendations about programming languages such as HTML and CSS, and umpteen other areas of the web. Previously, the standards were not enforced on organizations. However lately, with increasing web need and necessity, W3C standards have become mandatory for each digital asset to adhere with.

Since Skynet Technologies is now an active member of W3C, 我们比非w3c成员更准确地解释WCAG和其他标准,并提供更好的兼容解决方案. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines conformance keeps on upgrading; thus, organizations need to work on accessibility constantly. No one can afford to leave it unattended for a long span. 多年来,我们一直在帮助组织将可访问性灌输到他们的数字解决方案中,现在我们将利用W3C的会员资格提高我们的质量标准.

We strongly believe that “数字无障碍是多样性、公平和包容的关键组成部分!”

By becoming a member of W3C, we are excited to engage, learn, and contribute in any way to make the web more accessible for everyone. We just do not want to stay informed about modern technologies, features, latest accessibility standards, and tools; but also, 把我们自己的想法带到关于网络未来的战略讨论中来分享. 我们正在参与并提高网络技术开发的各个方面的效率,包括可访问性, security, privacy, internationalization, and more.

我们的使命是帮助企业和政府机构改善所有人的网络可访问性. We will utilize our W3C membership to reinforce our web accessibility knowledge for maximum results; so, 我们可以指导客户在减少时间和成本的同时增加数字可访问性. As a W3C member, 我们将保持我们的解决方案的领先地位,以确保我们的网络解决方案符合最新的标准,并降低数字无障碍诉讼的风险. 我们已经有了训练有素的开发人员和设计师团队,他们可以创建兼容的web解决方案,现在成为W3C的成员对我们来说是一个荣誉.


For more information about us, please visit or get in touch with us via [email protected].

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