
Upgrade your website to Drupal 10 for better security, accessibility, and performance. Our Drupal developers have 10 years of experience in efficient, quick, 以及从Drupal 7到Drupal 10的无缝迁移, Drupal 8 to 10, or Drupal 9 to 10.


Drupal 7到10的迁移

As per the official announcement from Drupal community; Drupal 7 will reach its end-of-life in January 2025. Drupal 10是基于PHP版本8构建的.而7是基于PHP 7构建的,PHP 7已经停止了对它的支持. Another reason to migrate your Drupal 7 website to 10 is it includes old and unsupported versions of jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery表单库. Drupal 10 is available with significant improvements in performance, security, and flexibility.

Drupal 7到10的迁移


Drupal 8到10的迁移

The website running on end-of-life platforms comes with a set of problems like security glitches over time, potential downtime, 缺乏最新的功能, 花费更多的时间和金钱. Upgrading from Drupal 8 to Drupal 10 offers a number of benefits, 包括提高安全性, 新特性和功能, 以及Drupal社区的持续支持.

Drupal 8到10的迁移


Drupal 9到10的迁移

As per the official announcement from Drupal community; Drupal 9 will reach end-of-life in November 2023. It is one of the most important reasons to migrate your website to Drupal 10. 它将带来更多的功能, stability, and security to your website while also increasing the performance of the website.

Drupal 9到10的迁移



We provide transparent migration path from other ecommerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, osCommerce, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Squarespace, or existing Drupal commerce 到最新版本的Drupal ecommerce.



从其他CMS /平台迁移Drupal

There is no doubt that Drupal is the most intricate, robust, and powerful CMS. We are specialized in migrating websites from other CMS or platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Laravel, Magento, Sitecore, Squarespace, Netlify, etc. 到最新版本的Drupal.

从其他CMS /平台迁移Drupal



We offer Drupal website maintenance services including minor code or modules upgrades, updating custom code, backup, bug resolving, security audit, testing upgrades, and more. We offer post-migration support services to ensure your website runs smoothly after migrating to Drupal 10. Our Drupal experts provide ongoing maintenance, regular check-ins, and issue resolution.




We provide full-service Drupal ADA website accessibility remediation solution including audit, remediation, monitoring, training, consulting, and support. Our digital accessibility solutions are a fit for any size, budget & type of business, and government websites, considering adopting digital inclusion. We provide quick & complete Drupal website remediation for standards including ADA, WCAG 2.1, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, 英国平等法案, 以色列标准5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, and France RGAA.




We are a Drupal金牌认证合作伙伴 supporting and contributing to the Drupal Association and project. We go above and beyond to meet additional criteria of contribution back to the Drupal projects.


We are proud to announce that we are a Drupal高级支持合作伙伴 fostering and supporting the dynamic Drupal community across the world.

Drupal 10的性能更快

获得更好的函数, performance boost, 核心网络生命体征和页面体验更新, 更新树枝主题引擎, decoupled architecture for faster performance and segregated digital experiences. Get backward compatibility for clutter-free platforms on Drupal 10.


我们多年的经验使我们能够无痛交付, seamless, and reliable data migration process with taking care of existing SEO of the Drupal website.

Enhanced Security

Get enhanced security and accountability with Drupal 10 migration. 它为多语言网站提供内置支持.


当我提出问题或提出需要时, the team of Skynet Technologies was always quick to tackle the issue and provide a solution. 我们的网站建在一个过时的网站上, no longer maintained Drupal 6 e-commerce module and we needed to find someone with the technical experience to not only upgrade the website from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 but to also migrate all our sales data from one commerce module to another. 这是一个具有挑战性的项目.

I found them through an online search for Drupal development. I think for me it was their confidence and their responsiveness that sold me on the project. They did a fantastic job upgrading my very outdated Drupal 6 e-commerce website up to Drupal 7 e-commerce website... Read more 关于约翰·索萨德的感言

John Southard 南方工程公司总裁.

Related Case Study

一个安全无缝的Drupal 6.x to Drupal 7.x migration for Gainesville, Florida based online education course provider!

客户提供民事方面的继续教育课程, 电岩土, mechanical, 结构工程. Their goal is to provide quality continuing education courses at a great price. The client has approached us to migrate their outdated Drupal ecommerce site from Drupal 6.升级到Drupal 7.x.

Migrating a website from one platform to another can be a stressful and uncertain time if it is not carefully planned and well-executed. A good roadmap is necessary for upgrading the latest version within the CMS (Content Management System), 实现平稳过渡和最小停机时间.

Read More 关于Drupal迁移案例研究


It is the process of migrating or upgrading the current website, application or system to the most recent version of Drupal. Drupal 10也至少需要PHP 8.1.

Yes, reach out to 请求免费报价 and submit the form.

Yes, 它支持包括英语在内的100多种语言, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese; Right-to-left text direction languages including Arabic, Hebrew, and Farsi; and more.

Yes. Feel free to 与我们联系 满足各种需求.

一些主要原因是更快和更好的性能, automated updates, 改善用户体验, Symfony, PHP, CKEditor, security upgrades, and Twig upgrades.

The most notable difference between Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 is

  • 移除所有弃用的函数.
  • 更新了Twig主题引擎版本.
  • jQuery UI库依赖项已被移除.
  • The simple annotation parser from Doctrine has also been removed from Drupal 9.
  • Drupal 9在速度和性能方面要好得多.

Following are the main differences founded in between Drupal 9 and Drupal 10:

  • Drupal 9使用Symfony 4,而Drupal 10使用Symfony 6.2.
  • Drupal 10与CKEditor 5一起可用, while Drupal 9 has CKEditor 4 which will get terminated in 2023.
  • Drupal 10 has starterkit theme and tools for better customization.
  • Drupal 10 is available with advanced JS components which are replaced with jQuery interface.

Yes. Reach out to 请求免费报价 and submit the form.

Yes. 请求免费报价 我们会尽快给你答复.

Yes, we have already provided Drupal migration services to several web agencies, 网络开发公司, content team, consultancy, and corporation. Reach out to 请求免费报价.

