What is ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) and how it impacts your business website?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ADA Compliant Website

What is the ADA?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law passed in 1990 and updated in 2008. 这是联邦政府作出的一项具有里程碑意义的裁决,旨在创造平等权利和机会,同时禁止对残疾人的任何歧视. 《pg电子竞技》被认为是一项革命性的决定,它保护了身体或精神残疾者的公民权利.

What does ADA compliance mean for businesses?

As per law, 残疾被定义为“严重限制”或影响一个人主要生活活动的身体或精神损伤. 《pg电子竞技》的宗旨是让企业遵守《pg电子官网》,以避免对残疾人的歧视,并为他们提供充分进入社会各方面的机会. 《pg电子竞技》包括并要求政府机构和私营企业(包括大公司和小公司)遵守这项法律. ADA regulations include five Titles, Title I for employment; Title II for state and local government; Title III for public accommodations and commercial facilities; Title IV for telecommunications; and Title V for miscellaneous provisions. Every business owner, of a large company or a small company, should ensure that their businesses are ADA compliant, physically as well as online. While physical changes would include installing wheelchair ramps, signage readable in braille, etc., online changes would include ADA compliant website, auxiliary aids in communication, etc. to make web content easily usable for disabled users.

What is the impact of ADA compliance on Internet use and digital content?

In the early 90s, when ADA was signed, Internet use was not as prevalent as today. Due to this ADA does not address web accessibility with absolute clarity. Internet accessibility is a very basic thing nowadays. Quite a few physical businesses have become obsolete after the advent of the Internet. So while the law remains ambiguous and open to interpretation, 许多针对私人公司的无法访问的网站和在线内容的诉讼和诉讼程序告诉我们,《pg电子竞技》包括拥有实体网点的公司的所有数字信息和网站,以及非实体存在的在线业务. Reviewing the summary of judgments, the US Department of Justice now considers the Internet as a public place. As per Title III of the ADA, “公共场所”和“商业设施”必须为残疾人消除“出入障碍”. This includes privately owned and leased facilities like office buildings, warehouses, hotels, factories, restaurants, golf courses, retail outlets, convenience stores, health clubs, schools and so on. As per them, 应进行必要的修改,以使残疾用户能够访问在线业务. We can help you build the same.

What cost do you pay for non-compliance or being not accessible?

While you pay heavy fines and penalties for lack of ADA compliant website, you could also lose funding and your reputation. Let's see how:

  • Save Money -首次违例可被罚款55,000元,其后每次违例可被罚款110,000元. For those companies who have been sued under ADA, the costs also include court fees and attorney fees along with the settlement amount. Many big brands have lost lawsuits and paid heavily for not having ADA compliant websites.
  • Avoid funds being revoked - Federal funding of companies could be revoked for being in non-compliance with the ADA.
  • Save your reputation -歧视残疾人士会对你的声誉造成不可逆转的损害,并可能对潜在客户产生不利影响.

What do you gain from having an ADA compliant website or online presence?

Estimate says that one out of every five people in America has a disability. An ADA compliant website can help grow your business. Here are some advantages:

  • ADA合规网站将保护您的企业从歧视诉讼和高额罚款从法律的角度来看
  • 当你的网站可以方便残障人士访问时,比你的竞争对手更有优势,如果它有容易使用的网页内容
  • You may get a tax credit due to expenses and upgrades made for having an ADA compliant website
  • Google ranking and SEO scores get better for ADA compliant websites
  • Better online reputation for discouraging discrimination while being accommodating and accessible

To know more in detail, feel free to get in touch with our experts.

What guidelines to follow to make your website ADA compliant?

万维网联盟(W3C)负责规范万维网的标准. W3C创建了Web无障碍倡议(WAI),以解决日益增长的数字内容与残疾人有限的可访问性之间的差距. WAI brought together industry experts, 残障组织、政府和研究实验室开发Web内容可访问性指南, WCAG. WAI-WCAG provides a single shared standard for web content accessibility for individuals, companies, and governments globally. The most recent, 2018 recommendation of WAI, WCAG 2.1 looks into the accessibility of web content on devices such as desktops, laptops, tabs, and mobile phones. WCAG 2.1涵盖了使数字内容更易于访问的广泛建议,这些建议可供所有在线存在的公司使用. Currently, web standards recommended by WCAG 2.1 apply to all companies that fall under ADA, including private companies and Government organizations. 我们的公司致力于通过帮助公司开发和修改易于访问和对残疾用户友好的网络内容来弥合差距.

How to make your website ADA compliant?

GSA, 美国联邦政府总务管理局举办了一个在线课程,关于如何使您的网站符合美国残疾人法,并满足第508条. 你可以首先让你的网站评估,并列出所需的变化,使其符合ADA. 这种可访问性审计可以用来格式化你的网站编码,有一个可访问的网页设计,使你的网站ADA符合WCAG 2.1 standards. 我们有专业的开发人员和网页设计师,他们可以培训您的团队并指导他们完成整个合规过程. As per your business requirement, 我们可以为贵公司开发一个全新的符合ADA标准的网站,或者在进行无障碍审核后修改现有网站. 我们可以定期对添加到您网站上的任何新内容进行持续监控,以确保它始终符合WCAG对ADA的遵守标准.

As a company owner, 这是你的法律和道德责任,以确保您的业务是ADA合规和无障碍. Discuss your requirements with us and we assure you the best solution.

天网科技美国有限责任公司是一家总部位于拉斯维加斯的公司,提供视觉卓越和用户友好的ADA符合网站设计,使网站可访问的人有认知和身体残疾. Whether you are a start-up, businesses, enterprise, corporation or web development agency, hire our dedicated developer today on hourly, 每月和固定的成本基础或合作伙伴与我们为您的ADA合规网站开发项目.