数码无障碍法规 & 印第安纳州的标准要求!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

你知道54吗.4 million people across the world, who use the internet, suffer from some sort of disability? 如果你查一下美国的记录,大约. 26% of adults (of the total population) fall in the disabled category. It is a segment of society that is waiting for equal opportunities at every level to prove its capabilities.

在现代情况下, it is imperative for organizations to provide accessible digital information because of the increasing and inevitable use of websites. Indiana understands the importance of inclusivity and hence to improve universal accessibility in all its services and programs, they are pledged to develop and maintain an accessible digital world for their citizens.

Every digital resource in Indiana ought to be compliant with Section 508 standards. 让我们了解更多关于印第安纳州数字无障碍的信息.

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因为印第安纳州致力于包容性和数字无障碍, 他们还制定了一项州政策, 也就是代号4-13.1-3. 本政策确保每个信息技术软件, system, and equipment in the state must adhere to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

有一个专门的辅助技术标准小组(ATSG), which is meant to provide guidance on accessibility and its incorporation in digital resources, 它成立于2001年. They continually monitor web pages of assigned websites to make necessary modifications by removing accessibility barriers. 修改,如在图像和图形中添加所有文本, 确保所有按钮和div都可以通过键盘访问, 并在视频中添加了封闭字幕.

The ATSG was made by Indiana’s Information Technology Oversight Commission (ITOC) and the group includes representation from –

  • 印第安纳州民权委员会
  • 印第安纳州保护和倡导委员会
  • 印第安纳州残疾、老龄化和康复服务部
  • 印第安纳互动公司.
  • Procurement Division and Assistive Technology Through Action in Indiana (ATAIN)
  • 有残疾的政府雇员

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Indiana Code 4-13.1-3 in Detail

印第安纳州法典第4卷-州办公室和行政管理(4-13).1-3)最后更新于2021年6月8日. 根据这个定律,

  • State offices must appoint a group to develop standards based on electronic and information technology accessibility standards adopted by the Architectural and transportation barriers compliance board under Section 508. The offices are expected to adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 concerning the standards developed under this section. And the newly developed standards must conform with the requirements of Section 508.

  • 指定的小组应包括:

    1. At least one of the representatives must be experienced and knowledgeable about assistive technology policy.
    2. 残疾人:有残疾的人.
    3. A few representatives from the judicial and legislative branches of the state government.
    4. 州政府行政部门的代表.
    5. 以及至少三名当地政府单位的代表.
  • If a state office (or entity) cannot comply with the information technology accessibility standards readily because of undue burden, the office shall submit a plan with the proposed time for later compliance with the standards. Moreover, the plan must consist of alternative means for accessibility during the period of noncompliance.

  • Despite other laws, the standards developed by the appointed group apply to the executive, judicial, legislative, 以及州和地方政府的行政部门.

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The Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities (GCPD) working towards empowering people with developmental and intellectual disabilities (I/DD) in Indiana by implementing the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act). 这是一项联邦法律, created to help people with disabilities uplift their lives by getting equal access to every opportunity. GCPD is not only funding community impact grants but also focusing on the proper implementation of public policy.



The consolidated state plan to cover every aspect of accessibility was voted by the state council on June 16, 2023. Initially, it had five goals, however, it is shortened to two goals now.

1. Leadership & Advocacy

This goal is about increasing leadership and advocacy among people from diverse backgrounds with any sort of disabilities.

2. 社会包容 & Belonging

目标集中于改善政策, practices, and programs to increase community inclusion and belonging for people with disabilities.

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Wrapping up

With time, 数字无障碍标准正在扩大, 预计所有联邦政府, public, 私营公司将遵守所有无障碍法律. Local and state government agencies and the private sector organizations should proactively commence to address digital accessibility including backlogged issues immediately.

The newly developed standards are all reference standards of Section 508 and ADA. Follow the standards and remediate/design the websites to provide accessible digital resources to your target audience.

As a proud associate member of the IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) and an engaged participant in the W3C, Skynet Technologies is fully committed to advancing global accessibility.

我们的主要关注点在于 ADA网站可访问性修复解决方案从快速增强到全面转换. 我们的综合服务包括设计, audit, consultation, remediation, ongoing support, and maintenance. 促进数字无障碍和包容性的事业, 请不要犹豫,随时与我们联系 [email protected] 或通过提供的联系表格.