Adobe Experience Manager网站可访问性增强,只需2分钟!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins

The internet landscape is changing. For website owners, 通过确保包括听力或视力障碍人士在内的所有访问者提供无障碍和无缝的用户体验至关重要, motor impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive & learning impairments, seizure and epileptic, and ADHD problems; can see, understand, navigate, 并方便地使用您的Adobe体验管理器网站!

Using web accessibility widget is a quick, 这是一种经济有效的方式,可以启动您改善网站可访问性的努力.

Adobe Experience Manager All in One Accessibility - a quick website accessibility improvements widget; based on AI and assistive technology. 它允许用户根据自己的需要选择可用的辅助功能,并仔细阅读内容. 它提高了ADA、WCAG 2等标准的网站可访问性.1, Section 508, Australian DDA, European EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), Israeli Standard 5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, and France RGAA!

Step wise instruction, 如何在您的Adobe体验管理器网站上启用10天All in One Accessibility小部件试用版?

  • Click on this URL 选择“开始免费试用”按钮,如下图所示.

    website wcag accessibility
  • Fill out the form with all the details.

    web wcag accessibility widget free trial
  • 根据您的需求选择计划,然后单击“Continue”进行下一步.

    website ada accessibility widget
  • 请填写以下付款详情并提交. 如果您不取消免费试用订阅计划,您将在10天后自动收费.

    website ada wcag widget
  • 一旦注册完成,您将收到一个电子邮件通知与小部件集成 & dashboard access details.


  • From the dashboard, 点击“小部件设置”来更改小部件图标, size, color, 根据你网站的外观和感觉来定位.

    ada wcag accessibility integration

探索以下步骤,将All in One Accessibility小部件集成为Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)网站的一部分:

为All in One可访问性小部件创建数据元素.

  • In the left navigation, click Data Elements.

  • Click the Create New Data Element button:

  • Name the data element, e.g. All in One Accessibility.

  • 使用JavaScript变量数据元素类型指向示例页面数据层中的一个值:

  • Check the boxes for Force lowercase value and Clean text 标准化的情况下,删除多余的空间.

  • Leave None as the Storage Duration 因为这个值在每个页面上通常是不同的.

  • Click the Save button to save the data element.


Create a Rule.

  • In the left navigation, click Rules.

  • Click the Create New Rule button:

  • Name the Rule All Pages - Library Loaded. 此命名约定指示规则将在何时何地触发, 随着标签属性的成熟,使其更容易识别和重用.

  • Under Events, click Add. Event告诉标签什么时候应该触发规则,可以是很多东西, including a page load, a click, a custom JavaScript event, etc.

    1. As the Event Type, select Library Loaded (Page Top). Note that when you select the Event Type, 标记使用您的选择预填充事件的名称.

    2. Click the Keep Changes button.

  • 由于该规则应该在所有页面上触发,所以请离开 Conditions blank. If you open the Conditions modal, 您将看到,条件可以根据各种各样的选项添加限制和排除, including URLs, data element values, date ranges, and more.

  • Under Actions, click Add.

  • Select Action Type > Custom Code, which at this point is the only option. 在本教程的后面,当您添加扩展时,将有更多的选项可用.

  • Select  Open Editor to open the code editor

  • Add All in One Accessibility Widget Custom Code in Edit Code.

  • Save the code editor.

  • On the Action configuration screen click Keep Changes.

  • Click Save to save the rule.



Save Your Changes to a Library.

在配置扩展集合之后, data elements, “数据采集”界面中的规则, 你需要将这些功能和逻辑打包成一组JavaScript代码,然后部署到你的网站上,这样当访问者访问网站时,营销标签就会被激活. 库是一组JavaScript代码,可以完成这些工作.

In an earlier lesson, 您在示例页面上实现了开发环境的嵌入代码. 当您加载样例页面时,嵌入代码URL返回404错误,因为还没有构建标记库并将其分配给环境. 现在,您将把新的数据元素和规则放入库中,以便示例页面可以执行某些操作.

To add and build a library.

  • In the left navigation, click Publishing Flow.

  • Click Add New Library.

  • Name the Library, e.g. Initial Setup.

  • Select Environment > Development.

  • Click Add All Changed Resources.

    Adobe体验经理Ada wcag可访问性
  • Note that after clicking Add All Changed Resources tags summarize the changes you just made.

  • Click Save & Build for Development.

    Adobe体验管理器web wcag可访问性
  • 几分钟后,状态点将变为绿色,表明库已成功构建.


如果您在安装或技术方面需要任何帮助,请pg电子官网! We’d love to help!

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Skynet technologies is proud Adobe Bronze Solution Partner , W3C(World Wide Web Consortium) and 国际无障碍专业人员协会 是什么帮助我们成为全球无障碍社区的一员,并与合规指南保持同步.

The businesses, large enterprises, Federal and state governments, 正在考虑用ADA WCAG 2全面修复网站的教育机构和大学.1 compliance; we provide full website accessibility remediation solution including audit, consulting, remediation, regular maintenance, monitoring, training, and support.

如果你正在寻找企业或自定义的网页可访问性解决方案,要求一个免费的 ADA网站可访问性补救报价 or email us at [email protected].

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