ADA Compliance Requirements for Websites & Applications in Nevada!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ADA Compliance Requirements in Nevada

The State of Nevada accessibility guidelines apply to all entities based in Nevada. 改进在内华达州运作的组织所获得和/或开发的信息和通信技术, 第504和508条(1973年康复法案的一部分)和WCAG(网络内容可访问性指南.1 standards are enforced by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

以前创建或发布的内容也需要修改其结构以符合这些可访问性要求. 行政事务部和企业信息技术事务司共同努力向所有国家实体或政府机构指定的《pg电子竞技》协调员提供技术援助和培训.

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What are the applicable areas of ADA digital accessibility guidelines in Nevada?

  • Websites including electronic documents, video, and multimedia.
  • Any content created in electronic formats like emails, spreadsheets, text documents, presentations, and social media posts.
  • Software applications including internal and public facing applications.
  • IT products such as telecommunication, individual desktops, laptops, etc.


Authoritative laws that impact accessibility policies in Nevada!

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 says that every electronic and information technology required to be developed, maintained, or procured by state entities must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Section 508 was originally added to the Rehabilitation Act in 1986, and it received significant expansion with its amendment in 1998.

Section 504 要求所有机构提供平等的机会参与政府管理的项目和福利. Furthermore, state entities must provide auxiliary aids such as braille devices, audio tapes, interpreters, captioning for video, and other methods to ensure website accessibility. 残疾人可以请求辅助援助,各机构需要考虑他们的请求.

Section 508 建议要求所有国家实体确保人人都能同等地获得和使用所有电子信息技术.

502 of Section 508 意味着包括与辅助技术的互操作性,使每个软件平台和工具都能访问.

503 of Section 508 说明网站/应用程序必须允许用户偏好覆盖颜色的平台设置, contrast, font type, font size, and focus cursor.

WCAG 2.1 要求内容符合其标准,并根据给定的建议设计网站或应用程序. W3C鼓励使用最新版本的WCAG,以便与现代web可访问性策略保持同步.

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Pragmatic policies that are enforced on websites and applications!

The government of Nevada has enforced the applicable laws (WCAG 2.1 and Section 508) on all federal, public, and private entities in Nevada. 这些法律不仅限于该部门提供的服务和平台,还包括所有外部供应商和服务.

Accessibility policies include:

  • WCAG 2.1 standards

    It is the state of Nevada’s current approved accessibility standards. Every website must conform to WCAG 2.1 level A and AA. Whatever content a website is offering to its users, should be accessible and if it is not, 然后,实体有责任提供访问内容的替代选项.

    Here is a list of some of the requirements for a website/application (as per WCAG 2.1 level A and AA conformance) to make it accessible.

    1. Graphics – websites ought to have simple images with alt text, animations must be avoided (if not necessary), and dynamic content needs to be accompanied by stop, hide, pause buttons, etc.

    2. Colors – color contrast is an important facet to look upon; and essential information should not be color-based only.

    3. Downloadable files – PDF files and other documents must be accessible.

    4. Data tables – rows and columns need headers for better comprehension, table cells must be grouped.

    5. Multimedia – video, and audio clips should not be longer than the suggested time limit.

    6. Forms – its response time, labels, and other controls need to be checked.

    7. Keyboard – only keyboard navigation is necessary.

    8. Text-only pages – required to be reviewed carefully to ensure readability.

  • Development policy

    内华达州实体ADA协调员负责确保网站及其相关的每个工具/软件必须符合第508节的502(与辅助技术的互操作性)和503(应用程序), and by WCAG 2.1 as well.

  • Procurement policy

    Every software, technology, 用于在内华达州开发或维护数字财产的工具必须遵守采购政策:

    1. 内华达州实体有义务确保通过任何采购方法在采购时尽早规划可访问性要求,以包括可访问性.

    2. 采购政策必须根据第508节和WCAG 2的502和503标准设计.1.

  • Maintenance

    Once remediated, websites must be maintained to adhere with ADA guidelines, and all latest content is expected to meet each compliance guidelines.

How to meet the website accessibility compliance?

Primarily, if you are about to commence a new project, 从一开始就必须考虑可访问性,以避免不可访问性问题.

确保所有团队成员理解ADA无障碍指南,以便他们能够在网站上恰当地策划和放置元素. 一个训练有素的团队可以帮助减少项目逾期,并且没有项目延迟的风险.

网站修复需要对整个网站进行彻底的审查,以修复每个无法访问的元素. And once website remediation or new project designing is done, its testing under WCAG 2.1 conformance level A and AA is mandatory.

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Wrapping up

Concisely, 适用于内华达州的每一项法律都侧重于将可访问性纳入电子信息技术.

培养可访问性和改善用户体验是灌输数字可访问性背后的基本理念. The fewer accessibility issues, the wider the market reach for any state agency will be. 这里要注意的是,通过使用快速的web可访问性改进小部件(例如All in One accessibility),修复网站的WCAG可访问性变得更加容易了。.

Skynet Technologies, 作为国际无障碍专业人员协会(IAAP)的准会员和W3C公认的参与者,我们为自己对全球无障碍社区的宝贵贡献感到无比自豪.

As specialists in WCAG and ADA website accessibility, we provide a wide range of services to meet a variety of diverse needs. 无论您是需要快速的可访问性改进还是需要对您的网站可访问性进行彻底检查, you can count on us to meet your requirements. The range of services we provide covers every aspect of website accessibility, including design, audit, consulting, remediation, support, and ongoing maintenance.

To further the cause of digital accessibility and inclusivity, please do not hesitate to reach out to us either at [email protected] or via the provided contact form. 我们的使命是帮助您提高数字存在的可访问性,并改善所有人的包容性.