How can you ensure your website meets ADA compliance in Michigan?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ADA Compliance Michigan

密歇根州(SOM)有一个明确的目标,即为所有个人提供与每个数字平台无缝交互的顺畅机会. And to achieve this goal, the state is encouraging organizations to create such websites, mobile applications, and other digital platforms that can be accessed and trusted by everyone.

Michigan State has defined a set of policies for all state websites, which include terms of use policy, disclaimer of liability, security and monitoring notice, linking notice, disclaimer of endorsement, notice on the use of the State Seal and Coat-of-Arms, jurisdiction governing law, severability, privacy policy, mobile application license terms of use and more.

Thus, SOM中的每个组织在设计时都必须遵守这些州政策, procuring, or using any digital asset. 本文将介绍密歇根州数字可访问性政策中包含的标准和指导方针.

Scope of digital accessibility standards of SOM

所有公共网站和州政府机构的应用程序都应完全遵守密歇根州数字无障碍标准. However, 仅供国家雇员和承包商内部使用的网站/应用程序不强制遵守标准. Please note, 代表国家消费或收集信息并由第三方使用的网站被视为内部网站.

Additionally, all Michigan.gov WCMS websites, marketing (mini-sites, marketing sites, etc.), vendor-hosted applications, COTS, SaaS applications, 定制应用程序必须在最终发布之前完成密歇根州数字标准审查.

Digital accessibility standards in the State of Michigan (SOM)

The digital content accessibility SOM的标准被记录下来,以确保每个网络用户在使用网站或应用程序时都有类似的数字体验. State websites and applications should comply with -

  • Web products developed after May 31, 2018, are required to conform to:

    1. SOM Digital Standards
    2. Digital Guidelines

    And digital products developed before May 31, 2018, can follow:

    1. State of Michigan Look and Feel Standards
    2. Centre for Shared Solutions Application Templates
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 conformance level AA.

  • 必须完成SOM数字标准审查,以确保所有内部和外部应用程序符合SOM数字标准. There is a defined form for the review process. The Michigan Department of Technology, 管理和预算(DTMB)密歇根团队更新了SOM数字标准评审表(DTMB-3533). 您只需要向DTMB密歇根团队提交表格DTMB 3533,就可以启动web应用程序审查.

    Please note, that the review can be initiated at any time, 但建议在设计/开发阶段开始,这样可以及时发现和解决问题.

  • 在SOM数字标准审查中诊断的任何可访问性问题, they should be resolved before the final release of website or application.

  • Comply with SOM native mobile application guidelines, SOM website guidelines, SOM social media standards and guidelines.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: The difference between ADA and Section 508.

Guidelines specifically for website accessibility


  • 1650.00 Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications Policy
  • 1650.01 Reasonable Accommodations, ADA Title I
  • 1650.02 Accessibility and Reasonable Modifications, ADA Title II

1650.00 Policy: Issued on September 19, 2007, and revised on October 23, 2019. This policy collaboratively consists of ADA, Section 504, Michigan Deaf Persons’ Interpreters Act (PA 204 of 1982, amended 2007) (MCL 339.501. et. seq.)和《pg电子官网》(1976年PA 220) (MCL 37).1101, et. seq.).

1650.01 Policy: Issued on October 23, 2019. Read more.

1650.02 Policy: Issued on September 19, 2007, and revised on October 23, 2019. Click here to learn more about it.

What to focus on websites accessibility in SOM?

  • Web application naming standard


    如果申请或网站的名称以字母“M”和“I”或字母“E”开头, they need consistent formatting. 连字符、空格和非首字母缩写大写字母不能紧接在“Mi”或“e”之后。. 如果在web应用程序名称中使用' Mi ',则' M '必须大写,然后' i '必须小写.

    If using the letter ‘e’ in the application’s name, “e”应该是小写字母,后跟名字的首字母大写, for example: eMichigan. And if names include multiple words, 建议最小化,例如写“MiSite”而不是“MiSite Name”。.

  • Visual elements

    Each website/application must have consistent following elements:

    Header: The header contains the title, tagline, and official brand logo of the agency; thus, it must be consistent. For instance, 如果标题中有机构名称或应用程序名称,则上级部门名称可以显示在标题下方的标语中.


  • Browser minimum requirements

    确保您的网站/应用程序可以兼容最新的浏览器版本以及已有的浏览器版本. 因此,无论使用何种浏览器,每个用户都可以访问该网站.

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

密歇根州的数字可访问性标准对于全州的每个网站和应用程序都是必不可少的. 不遵守这些标准或故意违反这些标准可提起民事诉讼,要求适当的禁令救济. 损害赔偿可能包括因违反无障碍规定而造成的损失赔偿,包括律师费.

Wrapping up

所有网站和应用程序都必须符合密歇根州数字标准政策. 如果网站或应用程序在某种程度上缺乏可访问性要求, it must modify inaccessible elements to avoid discrepancies. 尽快开始将可访问性最佳实践整合到您的网站设计中,并有助于减少您所在州的数字可访问性障碍.

As a proud IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) and W3C member, we are dedicated to contributing to enhancing global accessibility. We offer ADA website accessibility remediation solution diverse services from quick improvements to complete overhauls. 它包括设计、审核、咨询、补救、持续监控、支持和维护. Contact us at [email protected] 或者通过提供的形式来促进数字可及性和包容性.