
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ADA Website Compliance Florida

网站的可访问性和遵从性是佛罗里达州任何网站的关键方面. 实施网络无障碍法律,保障全民平等上网, including those with disabilities. The laws are based on Section 508 和WCAG(网站内容可访问性指南)标准,这是佛罗里达州网站可访问性的最低要求.

未能在网站上容纳残疾人可能导致美国残疾人法诉讼, and shockingly, 佛罗里达州在无障碍诉讼数量方面排名第二,仅次于纽约. 减少这些诉讼和改善数字无障碍景观已成为佛罗里达州政府的首要任务. Let’s learn more about digital accessibility scenarios in Florida.


The answer should be Lawsuits, what do you think?

Federal ADA lawsuits are one of the major concerns for the Sunshine State. 网站可访问性和可用性都是网站可访问性的前提条件.

过去已经提起过几起诉讼,而且还在提起新的诉讼, 促使政府对在佛罗里达州运营的每个网站实施更严格的法律. 其中一个著名的诉讼案件是吉尔诉温·迪克西杂货店案, which happened in 2017. 吉尔对这家商店提出了投诉,称迪克西商店网站的部分内容与屏幕阅读器不兼容. And since a store’s website comes under a service category, it ought to be compliant with ADA guidelines.

In this case, 佛罗里达州南区法院发现该网站必须符合美国残疾人法. The court accepted that the website was not a place of public accommodation, but it was a string between user and the store. Gil could not avail the services due to the impediments Dixie’s store had.

还有几个其他的案例,一个有某种残疾的人发现了一个无法访问的网站,这成为了他们获得所需服务的障碍, product, or information.

This is not it, 甚至佛罗里达州的政府机构也因为没有提供方便的解决方案而成为目标. 政府文件,如政策手册、市议会会议记录、财务报告等. are expected to be accessible.

Due to inaccessible PDFs (and other documents), several counties in Florida had to go through trials and lawsuits process. The lawsuit settlement amount is huge; it ranges from $10,000 to $20,000, 哪一个不仅是经济损失,而且对政府机构或其他私人组织的形象也有损害.


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What accessibility standards are applicable in Florida?

To avoid lawsuits and provide accessible websites, 州政府和联邦机构的网站在开发过程中应遵守第508条, maintaining, procuring, or using electronic information or technology.

However, 只有当无障碍环境的实施成为机构的财政负担时,政府才会给予不遵守标准的豁免. In that case, 他们需要提供一些替代方法,以便残疾用户可以访问基本信息.

Moreover, 2022年佛罗里达州法规包含了公共企业网站可访问性的指导方针. Chapter 282 is specifically designed for communication and data processing. It has three parts –

  • Part I - Sections 282.003 – 282.319 are for Information Technology Management.
  • Part II – Sections 282.601 – 282.606 have guidelines on the Accessibility of Information and Technology.
  • Part III – Sections 282.701 – 282.711 are for Communication Information Technology Services.

Chapter 282 comes under Title XIX of Florida Statutes. Read the guidelines in detail to know more about them.

How to find a website’s accessibility barriers and remediate them?

尽管有自动的可访问性检查器可以帮助审核一个网站,以发现它是否可访问, it is advisable to review a website thoroughly by following manual steps.

  1. Test all web pages against ADA guidelines

    测试或审核网站需要时间,但拥有一个可访问的网站是不可避免的. Each page must be checked keeping ADA guidelines and Title XIX in mind. 检查代码和检查每个页面的一致性也有助于提高网站的性能.

  2. List all the issues in their order of severity

    Once all the accessibility issues are identified, 制定一个优先事项列表,把最严重的问题放在首位. Thereby design team can begin working on critical issues first.

  3. Remediation

    While remediating the website, 合并考虑辅助技术执行的补救思想. 网站中的每个组件都应该与所有辅助技术兼容. Adhere with ADA guidelines and fix all accessibility issues.

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So, what are you waiting for? 为了保护巨额资金和品牌形象,实现无障碍已成为当务之急. 虽然佛罗里达的数字可访问性有所提高,但可访问性标准的执行. 可访问性诉讼告诫公司,网站应该从一开始就具有可访问性,持续的可访问性审计是保持其可访问性的必要条件.

Digital accessibility not only prevents lawsuits, 但它也扩大了你的业务范围,并帮助每个人利用你的服务.

As a proud organizational member of IAAP and an official W3C member, Skynet Technologies actively supports the global accessibility community.

Our expertise lies in ADA website accessibility remediation, addressing diverse needs. Whether quick enhancements or comprehensive solutions, we offer it all – accessibility design, audits, consulting, remediation, and support. Contact us at [email protected] or fill out the form for a quote. Elevate your digital presence's accessibility with us.

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