Superlative User Experience to All with Our 
Accessibility Web Development Services


ADA Accessibility strategy & planning

我们确保遵守ADA合规规则,同时计划为您的公司建立新网站,以减轻由于任何未来冲击造成的损害. 我们的策略包括一个详细的计划,它涵盖了网站开发的所有领域,比如设计, development, audit, mobile responsiveness, marketing & more. 我们的战略服务还包括为现有网站提供战术指导 & who need assistance with fixing accessibility barriers. 建立可持续和无障碍的网站仍然是我们无障碍网站开发服务的核心原则.

ADA Accessibility strategy & planning


Custom Accessibility Web Development

我们的网络程序员将ADA和WCAG规则整合到网站建设中,以提高可访问性和用户交互性. 我们的团队使您的网站能够在用户浏览网站时提供最佳使用屏幕阅读器等辅助技术. 他们精通ARIA标准的使用,并在很大程度上依赖于以下可访问性最佳实践. Our developers are champions in developing custom functionality & interfaces for your websites.

Custom Accessibility Web Development


Web Design and Usability

我们的设计团队致力于通过有效的规划和策略来建立可访问的网站. 我们致力于为包括残障人士在内的访问者提供最大程度的网站可用性. If you are serious about user experience and usability, designing accessible websites is the first step in that direction. 我们的设计师了解您的目标受众的导航模式,包括有特殊需要的人. 我们有深厚的专业知识,建立符合ADA合规规则的现代网站,如果你需要重新设计的帮助,那么你也可以打我们.

Web Design and Usability


Accessibility maintenance & support

我们的无障碍web开发服务的一个重要方面是维护和支持. 我们提供持续的维护服务,以修复您的网站上有可访问性困难的任何区域. 我们的专业团队一直在帮助企业提高网站的性能和安全性. 我们为您的公司提供定制和全面的可访问性网络维护和支持. By offering turnkey solutions, we deliver a fast, secure, and seamless user experience and maximize the site performance. Contact us if you need to maintain your site in the best shape around the clock.

Accessibility maintenance & support


Content and Accessibility

我们完全了解详细的WCAG指导方针,使您的网站内容更容易被各种残疾人士访问. 我们确保您的内容可以在所有设备和所有浏览器上访问,并专注于不让任何人掉队. 我们专注于通过减少任何阻碍其使用的障碍来提高内容的可访问性. 任何视觉障碍都可以通过为屏幕阅读器等辅助技术提供描述性文本来解决.

Content and Accessibility


Accessibility testing and compliance analysis

我们要确保您的网站是可访问的,并符合ADA规则,以避免法律和商业成本. We test your application for compliance and clean up your code where ever necessary. 我们的质量保证团队还自动化了某些测试,以检查可访问元素,并确定您的网站是否能够满足有特殊能力的用户的需求. 我们的网页可访问性测试确保您的网站可以由任何用户导航没有麻烦. 我们的测试和遵从性分析的重点是提高应用程序的效率.

Accessibility testing and compliance analysis


Accessibility Audit

如果你想知道你现有的应用程序或网站建设的可访问性得分由我们, 我们将进行可访问性审计,以确保所有人都可以访问您的数字资源. 我们的团队评估您的web应用程序的合规性和可访问性级别,以提高整体客户满意度并避免任何法律影响. Post-audit, 我们还将向您提供一份详细的观察报告以及补救策略. Based on the reports, 您可以专注于改进您的系统遵从性,并始终如一地为您的网站访问者提供可访问的体验.

Accessibility Audit

Accessibility Website Development to Expand Your 
Customer Base and Reach New Heights

Value for Money

pg电子官网的可访问性网络开发的一个积极的副产品是它是轻在你的钱包. We offer accessibility services at competitive prices. Also, 你可以期望通过提高你的受众覆盖面来获得积极的投资回报,从而带来更好的转化, and also avoid any legal costs that eat into your profits. Also, 我们建议企业尽早投资于可访问性,而不是在开发后修复它,这通常是更昂贵的.

Minimize the Load Time of Your Website

我们完全将WCAG指南纳入您的网站,以帮助它满足广泛的需求. By providing accessibility features like high contrast pages, interactive elements, text-to-speech conversions, font options, hotkey navigation, and more, we optimize your page load speeds. 这些选项不会影响你的页面速度,因为它们是为了更好的用户体验而优化的.

Customized ADA Compliance Design

We bust the myth that an ADA compliance website suffers from design issues. Contrary to the belief, 事实上,我们努力通过构建保持ADA合规功能完整的定制设计来改善用户体验. 我们的大多数设计都是根据客户的需求个性化的,也是以用户为中心的. 定制设计的开发是为了满足或超越您的ADA合规要求. 我们的网页设计团队致力于一流的设计,同时满足全球用户的无障碍需求.

Optimal Usability

我们的web开发可访问性服务旨在满足每个web访问者的可用性需求,无论他们是否面临暂时或永久的残疾. 我们的目标是实现最佳水平的可用性,尽管用户有可访问性的挑战. 我们的设计师对残障人士的需求感同身受,并提供以人为本的设计,以便所有用户都能充分利用您的网站.

Streamlined Maintenance for the Website

As part of our routine and ongoing accessibility testing and compliance analysis, we have streamlined the maintenance operations of your website. By staying on top of W3C updates, 我们的团队发现任何可能妨碍可访问性的潜在违规行为,并修复在此过程中发现的任何其他错误. 定期扫描和监控您的网站的可访问性也有助于我们发现任何未发布的错误, troubleshoot instantly, install the required updates, take measures to prevent any recurrent errors.

Future-proof Your Websites

We make sure your website meets the baseline ADA compliance. This makes it easy for us to upgrade whenever the new rules roll-out. Imagine if your site doesn’t meet the ADA compliance rules at all, how difficult it would be to keep up with the evolving standards? By meeting the optimal standards, 当指导方针改变提示您进行切换时,您可以轻松地进行升级.

Word-of-the-Mouth Marketing

无障碍网站享受口碑营销,在更短的时间内接触到更多的用户,这最终转化为持续的流量到你的网站. With a quality shift in your customer satisfaction, 您可以获得竞争优势,并为您的品牌在市场上创造商誉. 您的用户将通过我们的无障碍网络服务获得崇高的体验,这些满意的客户将成为您的品牌大使,免费推广您的服务. We help you bank on these verbal endorsements as well in your accessibility journey.

Drive Your Business Growth to New Highs with Accessibility Web Development Services

  • Drive more organic traffic
  • Outstanding User experience
  • Enhanced Usability
  • Improved Security
  • Ultimate Customer engagement
  • Increased SEO
  • Gain a Competitive Edge
  • Increased market opportunity
  • Improve business sales & Conversation rate
  • Positive PR Value
  • Broaden your user base
  • Boost up your business Growth
  • Long term profitability
  • Minimize legal risk
WCAG 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 PDF Image

The Difference Between WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Checklist

The WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2清单涵盖了所有内容的网页可访问性,不针对任何技术或行业. It has created a roadmap to deliver a better exclusive online experience. The WCAG guidelines are helped you to address those with auditory, physical, speech, visual, learning, cognitive, neurological, and language disabilities.

通过下载我们的交互式WCAG 2,探索如何使您的数字财产或资产符合最新的Web内容无障碍指南(WCAG).0, 2.1, and 2.2 Checklist now.

Download Now

Accessibility Web Development FAQs

无障碍网站开发意味着网站的设计和开发是为了方便所有人,包括残疾人. They should be able to use and access without any hindrances. 在某种程度上,他们需要无缝地感知、理解、导航和与网络交互.

  1. You can first get a website compliance report from a trusted company
  2. Then find out the feasibility aspects of your website
  3. Incorporate the ADA and WCAG standards into your website.

Web accessibility is important for multiple reasons.

Business Perspective - 每4个成年人中就有一个人有某种残疾,占美国人口的26%. Any business cannot afford to lose this major chunk of the user base.

Ethical Reasons - 现代企业不应该只关注物质方面,还应该努力为每个人开辟一个包容的空间. 通过构建可访问的web应用程序,您正在促进多样性和非歧视.

Legal Litigation - Web可访问性对于避免经常耗时和繁琐的法律诉讼也很重要.

Your website should focus on the following aspects

  1. Make your content easily accessible by providing alt text for the images, including transcript for the media files, etc.
  2. Choose the colors carefully so that the users do not face any difficulty
  3. Proper headings to structure your content
  4. Design your forms and error messages for easy understandability
  5. Resizable text that fits any screen sizes
  6. Make it keyboard friendly without the use of the mouse, and more

大多数网站开发公司都把网站可访问性看作是附带效应. 但有些人会强制要求将其包含在他们的服务目录中. To assess the capability of such companies, 你可以检查他们的网站,也可以让他们进行审核,以发现你网站上的可访问性问题. Based on the initial observations, you can evaluate the company about their web development accessibility.

Most of the companies take accessibility as a spin-off. So, whoever comes to us, we test the websites for accessibility thoroughly. This helps to find out any accessibility issues and fix them promptly.

Well, it depends on how large your website is. But we cater to both small and complex websites. You can contact us by sharing your details and we would let you know the time it takes.

Yes. We do offer accessibility web redesign service.

Web Accessibility automatically boosts SEO due to improved performance, higher customer satisfaction, optimized websites and other aspects like alt text for visual content.

Well, we can provide a fair estimate once we know your website requirements. So, please contact us and let us know the current state of your website. 经过公平的评估,我们就能得出最终费用的结论.

Yes, 我们提供完整的ADA无障碍网页开发服务,其中包括ADA网页设计, ADA website audit, ADA Web Accessibility Remediation, ADA web redesign, ADA compliance mobile app and more.

The W3C has laid down 4 principles of web accessibility.

  1. 可感知的——用户必须容易地感知信息和用户界面组件. 例如,您可以为图像设置所有文本,用于描述图像的内容.
  2. Operable - The website and UI components must be operable. People must be able to navigate your website using both the mouse and keyboard.
  3. Understandable - The content and UI operations must be understandable. They have to make sense by writing specific error messages.
  4. 健壮性——你的内容必须足够健壮,可以让残疾人使用各种辅助技术与你的网站进行交互.

有一些公司在网站开发中加入了可访问性选项. 你可以在他们的网站上查看他们的投资组合,看看他们是否提供无障碍服务. 你也可以尝试引荐的过程,他们可以向你推荐提供无障碍套餐的公司.

To ease your problem, you can check our website here for more information on our accessibility services.

Web accessibility is a win-win game beneficial to all the stakeholders involved.

  1. 网站用户将受益于网站的可用性和可访问性的提高
  2. 由于其可访问性元素,企业将拥有强大的用户基础,并且还可以避免法律诉讼
  3. 开发者不必面对来自企业的抱怨,因为他们已经整合了可访问性规则. Any updates can be easily included.

Yes. We do offer accessibility maintenance and support services for your ecommerce site. 我们的开发人员提供持续的维护服务,以确保您的网站不会面临任何停机时间.

无障碍网站开发需要优化网站,以方便每个人的导航,而不仅仅是残疾人. 它将有SEO的好处,以及包括提高你的网站的整体性能.

我们所有的可访问性开发人员都在公司内部,负责客户的可访问性需求. UI/UX设计和开发团队都完全致力于提供无障碍web开发服务.

  1. We take accessibility reviews and provide a full list of accessibility services.
  2. We keep ourselves updated with any of the latest developments.
  3. We do offer personalized services for our clients.
  4. We have creative and empathetic designers who make it accessible to all.
  5. Also, have a robust knowledge of the accessibility options and more.

You can contact us 进一步的细节,以确保您的web开发服务是可访问的人有感官或认知和身体残疾.

Yes. 我们的团队中有电子商务专家,他们为我们的客户提供个性化服务. We understand your requirements thoroughly & craft custom accessibility web development services that fit your business needs.

Yes, Indeed.

Get started with ADA Accessibility Web Development!

Let’s take a multi-faceted approach to ensure your website, 应用程序或数字资产是可访问的,并使其符合美国残疾人法案(ADA), Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Whether you want to develop your existing website or application ADA compliance, redesign your website with ADA compliance or require a new ADA compliant website, ecommerce store or an ADA compliant mobile app, you are at the right place! Contact us today and let us know your requirements.